If you currently own a business, and now want to begin setting up your Facebook page, then this is the perfect blog for you! We will highlight 5 ideas you can easily implement when trying to grow your online presence:
Name & Profile Picture
Having a relevant name and recognisable profile picture is important. For your name, just use your business name, as you want to keep it simple and to the point. A clear image of your logo would be a good profile picture making the page easily identifiable. Ensure you keep within the required dimensions of 360 x 360 pixels.
Cover photo or /video
Having a good cover photo or video will make your profile stand out. A photo can work nicely, especially if you have good images of your work space, team or a relevant professional photo. Remember, when adding a cover photo, ensure the dimensions are 1200 x 628 pixels and double check that it fits correctly, otherwise it will look unprofessional. A video can gain even more engagement and is something we use often when creating Facebook pages for clients. We suggest starting with making a simple slideshow of what your business offers.
About Us
Your ‘About Us’ section is important and you need to ensure you update it. This allows visitors on your page to understand what it is you’re offering and find out who you are. This is where you have the opportunity to mention any insightful story about your business. Is it family run? What is the reason you started it? Get personal here and allow your customer to find out more about who you are.
Connecting with customers or potential customers
If you already have customers, this is a good opportunity to connect with them and interact with their posts. This will not only add value to your customers, but it also shows other potential customers that you are active and responsive. If you don’t have customers currently, then you should start connecting with them as they come on board. If you have a good relationship with customers, gaining testimonials/reviews would be fantastic.
Update contact details
The last point is fairly simple but is often forgotten. Having your contact details uploaded to your Facebook page is a call to action. You can have your number, email and even a link to your website! If a potential customer goes onto your page and your contact details are not uploaded, then you might not get the chance to interact with them.
Businesses are now realising the importance of having a Facebook page. If utilised correctly, Facebook is a powerful tool and one that can generate you new business! When we run Facebook Advertising Campaigns, more attention is gathered on your organic Facebook page, therefore it is important that your page is up to date and looking complete. To see the Digital Advantage Facebook page for tips, click here.